Before understanding anything in life it is better to understand who you are. This will help to know the purpose of your existence. Most people tend to ask themselves why me? or why are all these happening to me? Especially when something went wrong in their lives, it is true that everything in life happen for a reason so as to keep you in track of your destination or to take you off track. Our destiny was prepared before we were born by our GOD, He knows us before we become an embryo in our mother’s womb Jeremy 1:5, genesis 25:23, judges 13:5, Mathew 1:20-22. From those scriptures the word of GOD shows how He made our destiny before we were born therefore whatever happening there must be a purpose. the main thing that all human being have to do to understand the purpose of their lives is to find out 'who they are' through obeying the voice of GOD and by reading His word because the word act as lamp to brighten our ways to realize our destiny psalm 119:9 proverb 1:5 ,16:9...